Chemistry Reference
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Figure 9.2:
Transmission electron micrograph of a PDMS network containing 34.4 wt % in situ pre-
cipitated silica particles. 92 The length of the bar corresponds to 1,000 Å.
Reproduced by permission of John Wiley and Sons.
Figure 9.3:
1 H NMR images of a SiO 2 -PDMS elastomeric sample obtained with a two-dimensional
spin echo sequence having an echo time of 3.3 ms (portion A) and 22.7 ms (portion B). 99
The view is down the axis, and the resolution is 128 X by 128 pixels of 211 and 236 mm,
respectively (in A), and 211 mm in both axes (in B).
reactions, including titania. 42, 93-97 In some cases, the particles are formed
in a separate step, and then blended into the polymer. 98
In the in situ approach, the growth of the particles from the surface of
a PDMS sample can be followed by NMR (figure 9.3) utilizing 1 H and 29 Si
magic-angle spinning, with two-dimensional Fourier transform spin-
echo techniques. 99 he 1 H spin-spin (T 2 ) relaxation time of the protons in
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