Image Processing Reference
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indices may be taken from the last 16 shift register nodes according to the Fig. 11. The samples
with higher indices correspond to the exponentially attenuated tail and the analysis of the tail
is lest critical than the rising edge, where samples are analyzed with a full speed.
x 16
x 15
x 14
x 13
x 12
x 11
x 10
x 9
x 23
x 22
x 21
x 20
x 19
x 18
x 17
DCT + sub-trigger routines
veto threshold
x 8
x 7
x 6
x 5
x 4
x 3
x 2
x 1
x 0
DCT + sub-trigger routines
ɻ -1
ɻ 0
ɻ 0'
Thresholds for the jump control
ɻ 1
ɻ 1' ɻ 1''
Thresholds for investigating the
exponential attenuation
Fig. 11. A scheme of the final spectral trigger. The shift register presented here has an
extended length = 24 stages to cover longer time window. However, for a sampling
frequencies f s
150 ns the window is wide enough for an
analysis of horizontal showers. If signal shifted in the register chain matches the expected
patterns for 4 consecutive time bins i.e. corresponding to ADC shapes in Fig. 3 (1st row, 3
first graphs. The 4th pattern is exactly the same as the 3rd one. The amplitude of the signal
decreases, but the DCT coefficients remain the same (still an exponential attenuation).
100 MHz 16 stages and T
3 DCT trigger "engines" have been successfully merged with the Auger code working with 100
MHz sampling. The final code utilizes only 38gives an opportunity to add new, sophisticated
algorithms. The slack reported by the compiler corresponds to a maximal sampling frequency
112 MHz, which gives a sufficient safety margin for a stable operation of the system. For
sufficiently high amplitudes of the ADC samples the Threshold trigger will be generated
32 clock cycles earlier than the spectral trigger (24 clock cycles of propagation in the shift
registers + 8 clock cycles of performance in the DCT chain). If the Threshold trigger has
been already generated, the next triggers are inhibited for 768 time bins necessary to fulfill
memory buffers (see Fig. 7 in (Szadkowski, 2005a)). Because the Threshold trigger (sensitive
to bigger signals) has a higher priority than the spectral trigger, ADC samples will not be
delayed for the Threshold trigger in order to synchronize it with the spectral one. The system
uses 10-bit resolution (standard Auger one). A compilation for the 12-bit resolution for the
current chip EP3C40F324I7 failed, due to a lack of the DSP blocks. 12-bit system requires
bigger chip EP3C55. The slack times are on the same level as for EP3C40. All pipeline routines
shown in Fig. 8 are implemented in a direct mode (no pipeline mode - like i.e. in the 2nd
generation of the FEB based on the ACEX family (see Fig. 2 in (Szadkowski, 2005a)) or for the
FFT implementation in the Cyclone family (Fig. 2 in (Szadkowski, 2005b)). So, a performance
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