Database Reference
In-Depth Information
In this chapter we gained an insight into accessing DynamoDB in the management console
and command line. We also took a look at the Eclipse plugin.
The chapter started with the DynamoDB table and item operations using the management
console and we saw how to create a table with the necessary primary key and secondary in-
dex. Then we also discussed how to work on a table item. After that we configured our
Eclipse IDE with the AWS plugin, created a table with secondary indexes, and then inser-
ted a few items into the table. We then discussed how to make use of the table's primary
key attributes and secondary index key attributes while querying that DynamoDB table. We
also discussed how to change the region (or location) in which DynamoDB has to perform
its operation. We saw how to download the AWS command-line tool and its configuration
setup in our local system. Then we executed a few commands through the command-line
interface, which performed the same DynamoDB operations as performed in the previous
two interfaces.
The management console, the Eclipse IDE with AWS plugin, and the command-line inter-
face cannot go beyond a certain limit. For example, even to test (syntax and usage) an ap-
plication locally (syntax and usage), we need to connect to AWS every time. So you might
ask me whether it is possible to emulate AWS DynamoDB in my local PC. The answer is
yes! This is what we are going to discuss next.
In the next chapter, we will learn about DynamoDB locals and CLI commands. We will
also learn to use CLI from a developer's or DBA's perspective.
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