Database Reference
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The preceding update operation was performed on the table with ["Eng-
lish","German"] as the content of the Language set.
The REST request body will update the item that has BookTitle as SCJP and Author
as Kathy , thereby updating the Language set to hold English, German, and Latin. Now,
let's say that the same book has been published in another language (Greek). So, another
update request comes in from another client (who doesn't know that Latin is also there in
the Language set), as shown in the following code:
"TableName": "Tbl_Book",
"Key": {
"BookTitle": { "S": "SCJP" },
"Author": { "S": "Kathy" } },
"AttributeUpdates": {
"Language": {
"Value": { "SS": ["English","German","Greek"]},
"Action": "PUT" } },
"ReturnValues": "ALL_NEW"
Now, what happened? Even though the SCJP book written by Kathy is available in Latin,
it won't be available. So, what might have prevented this error is the use of the Expec-
ted field in the request. This is because, before adding a value to a Language set, the
user should have checked whether his/her update operation will affect or overwrite any
useful information that is already available in the set.
It is time to take a look at the code to avoid this issue. The code using the Expected
field in the UpdateItem request body is as follows:
"TableName": "Tbl_Book",
"Key": {
"BookTitle": { "S": "SCJP" },
"Author": { "S": "Kathy" } },
"AttributeUpdates": {
"Language": {
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