Database Reference
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Request header
The DynamoDB POSTrequest must have the following headers:
Host : The host specifies the URL where the DynamoDB REST server (or end-
point) is located. All the requests will be redirected to this server. Our database is
located at us-west-2 , so we should specify the host as . Instead of this, we can directly specify it in the ad-
dress bar.
As mentioned in the previous point, Host is also a header and every request must
consist of the header Host . That is the reason why we don't specify it explicitly. In-
stead, we directly mention it in the address bar.
x-amz-date : This header element is used to specify the timestamp of the request
in ISO date-time format. I ran this request on June 15, 2014, at 4:35 A.M. (GMT),
so I have filled it with 20140615T043554Z .
x-amz-target : This header element is used to specify what kind of DynamoDB
operation has to be performed. To put it another way, this element gives a hint to
the endpoint of what is written in the request body. It will usually be in the format
of DynamoDB_<API-Version>.<Table-operation> , for example, Dy-
namoDB_20120810.CreateTable .
authorization : This is a complex header element. It has lots of parameters; so
we will observe what is written in the previous screenshot without missing any-
thing. The element is AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIA-
get,Signature=66534aa47c45417eaac116e94abce8185cfcdea5d206981ee76a09967620ca76 .
We will discuss this in detail after these bullet points.
content-type : This header element is used to specify the JSON version of the
content-length : This header element specifies the characters in the request
connection : This header element specifies whether the request has to be kept
alive even after execution, or should be terminated after some time.
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