Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2-36
After you deploy the project you will see a Deployment Progress window at
the location of the Properties window. The Output window in BIDS shows the
operations that occur after selecting Deploy — building the project, deploying
the definitions to the server, and the process command that is sent to the
server. BIDS retrieves the objects being processed by the Analysis Services
and shows the details (the object being processed; the relational query sent
to the relational database to process that object including the start and end
time; and errors, if any) in the Deployment Progress window. Once the de-
ployment has been completed, then appropriate status will be shown in the
Deployment Progress window as well as the Output window. If there were er-
rors reported from the server these will be presented to you in the Output win-
dow. You can use the Deployment Progress window to identify which object
caused the error. BIDS waits for results from the server. If the deployment
succeeded (successful deployment of schema and processing of all the ob-
jects), this information is shown as "Deploy: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped."
You will also notice the message "Deployment Completed Successfully" in the
Deployment Progress window. If there are any errors reported from Analysis
Services, then deployment will fail and you will be prompted with a dialog box.
The errors returned from the service will be shown in the Output window. In
your current project, deployment will succeed as shown in Figure 2-37 and
you will be able to browse the cube.
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