Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 13-33
19. You will now see the storage design dialog that you saw during ag-
gregation design. Select MOLAP storage and click Next.
20. In the object counts dialog, you do not have to update object counts
since you did this during aggregation design. Click the Next button to
proceed to the aggregations options page.
21. In the set design aggregation options, choose 30% performance gain
and click the Start button to request aggregations be designed based
on the queries selected. At this moment, Analysis Services explores
the various aggregations that would benefit in improving the perform-
ance gain for the selected queries. If a specific aggregation would
benefit a specific query, that aggregation is allocated more weight so
that that aggregation can be chosen from all possible aggregations.
Analysis Services does a breadth-first search to explore the search
space. Hence, if you have a cube that has a large dimensionality,
sometimes you might explore aggregations at a very low level (closer
to the key) due to the queries and performance optimization that you
have chosen. We recommend you look at the aggregations that are
getting created in the script and if you are really interested in a spe-
cific aggregation being created, you can specify a higher perform-
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