Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Adding a COM UDF to an Analysis Services Database
You can add a COM UDF to your Analysis Services database using SQL
Server Management Studio, through scripting or programmatically using the
object model AMO that is used for managing your Analysis Server. We re-
commend that you add assemblies using the SQL Server Management Stu-
dio because it is easy to do.
You can add a COM UDF to Analysis Services at the scope of the Analysis
Services instance or at the scope of an existing database. If your UDF is ad-
ded at the server scope, it can be shared across multiple databases similar to
the Excel and VBA DLLs that default to server-level scope. The following
steps show you how to add the COM UDF you created.
1. Deploy the AnalysisServices2005Tutorial project provided under the
Chapter 10 directory available on the accompanying web site for this
book to your Analysis Services instance. (If you already have the
AnalysisServices2005Tutorial project deployed on your server you
can skip this step.)
2. Connect to the Analysis Services instance using SQL Server Man-
agement Studio.
3. Expand the object AnalysisServices2005Tutorial database.
4. Right-click the node assemblies and select New Assembly.
5. You will now see the register assembly dialog shown in Figure 10-1 .
Change the type of assembly from .NET to COM. Under the file
name, browse through the directory where the COM assembly is loc-
ated and select the assembly file PartialSum.dll. The PartialSum.dll
is also available under the Chapter 10 directory on the accompany-
ing web site for this topic.
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