Databases Reference
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yields the following set:
{ [Customer].[AZ].[Phoenix],
[Customer].[AZ].[Phoenix] }
Microsoft OLAP Services and Analysis Services also provide + as an al-
ternate way of specifying Union (). Duplicates are removed from the res-
ulting set. The expression Set1 + Set2 + Set3 is equivalent to Union
(Set1, Union (Set2, Set3)).
See also: Intersect (), Except (), {}
Dimension .UniqueName Returns: string Extension: AS2005, AS2000
This function returns the unique name of a dimension. In Microsoft's
OLAP products, this does not include the name of the cube.
See also: .Name
Level .UniqueName Returns: string Extension: AS2005, AS2000
This function returns the unique name of a level. In Microsoft's OLAP
products, this does not include the name of the cube. It will be either [Di-
mension].[Level] or [Dimension].[Hierarchy].[Level], depending on the
structure of the dimension.
See also: .Name, Levels ()
Member .UniqueName Returns: string Extension: AS2005, AS2000
This function returns the unique name of a member. In Microsoft's OLAP
products, this does not include the name of the cube, and the results are
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