Databases Reference
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Note that Essbase always removes tuples from the set whose numeric ex-
pression is NULL. If you want them included at some position, use Coales-
ceEmpty () in the numeric expression to convert the NULL to some value.
See also: TopCount (), BottomCount (), TopPercent (), BottomPercent ()
TupleToStr ( tuple ) Returns: string Standard
This function constructs a string from a tuple. This will frequently be used
to transfer a tuple specification to an external function. If the tuple con-
tains only one dimension, the unique name for its member is placed in
the string. (In this use, it is identical to Member.UniqueName.) If the tuple
contains more than one dimension, Analysis Services constructs the
string as follows. The string begins with an open parenthesis ["("] and
ends with a closed parenthesis ["("]. In between the parentheses, the
member's unique name is placed in the string for each dimension in the
order they follow in the tuple. Each member is separated by a comma
and a space. For example, the expression
TupleToStr ( (Time.[1997], Customer.[AZ]) )
which uses names that are not quite the members' unique names, might
return the following string:
"([Time].[All Times].[1997], [Customer].[All
If the tuple is a result of an invalid member reference, then the resulting
string is empty (instead of an error result).
The style of name generated depends on the MDX Unique Name Style
and MDX Compatibility settings.
See also: SetToStr (), StrToTuple (), .Name, .UniqueName, StrToMember
(), Members (), StrToValue (), LookupCube ()
Union ( set1 , set2 [, ALL]) Returns: set Standard
set1 + set2 Returns: set Extension: AS2005, AS2000
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