Graphics Programs Reference
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Using a filter effects mask
When you apply a i lter to a layer that has been converted for Smart Filters, a mask, called
the Filter ef ects mask thumbnail, is created. This provides the ability to selectively modify
a i lter ef ect. The thumbnail appears on the smart object layer as a white box labeled
Smart Filters. You can click on the mask to activate it, and then paint with shades of black
or white to hide or show the i lter's ef ect on the layer. You'll now convert a layer for
Smart Filters, apply a few i lters, reduce the opacity of those i lter ef ects, and then mask
the ef ects to appear on only portions of the image.
To give you more room to work in the Layers panel, click the triangle next to the
monsters layer group to collapse the monster layers into the folder.
Click the Visibility icon next to the alien layer to show the alien image, and then click
on the alien layer to select it.
Select Filter > Convert for Smart Filters; if a warning dialog box appears, press OK.
You will now apply a motion blur to this layer. It may appear drastic at i rst, but you
will customize the application of the i lter using the Filter ef ects mask thumbnail.
Choose Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. The Motion Blur dialog box appears. Type 65
into the Angle text i eld, and then use the slider to set the distance for approximately
300 pixels. Press OK.
Apply the motion blur i lter to the alien layer.
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