Graphics Programs Reference
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If you accidently grab a part of the image that you do not want to select, press and
hold the Option (Mac OS) or Alt key, and paint over the region to deselect it.
Adjust the Quick Selection brush size by pressing the [ (left bracket) repeatedly to reduce the
selection size, or the ] (right bracket) to increase the selection size.
8 Save your selection by choosing Select > Save Selection, the Save Selection dialog box
9 In the Name text i eld type Boarder , and then press OK, leaving the other settings at
their defaults. Now you have a saved selection. Keep in mind that if you deselect your
selection, or close your saved i le, you can reload your selection by selecting Select >
Load Selesction.
10 Choose File > Save, and then File > Close to close the i le.
Making difficult selections with the Refine Edge feature
Using the Rei ne Edge feature you can also improve your selection of dii cult items such
as fur and hair. There is still no magic pill for making a perfect selection, but the Rei ne
Edge improvements certainly help.
Choose File > Browse in Bridge and open the image named ps0504.psd. Choose
File > Save As. When the Save As dialog box appears, navigate to the ps05lessons
folder. In the File name text i eld, type ps0504_work . Choose Photoshop from the
Format drop-down menu and press Save. If the Photoshop Format Options dialog box
appears, press OK.
Click and hold the Quick Selection tool, and then select the hidden Magic Wand tool ( ).
Click the white area of to the right of the woman; the white area becomes selected.
Choose Select > Inverse to invert the selection. The woman is now selected.
Click on the Rei ne Edge button in the Options bar, the Rei ne Edge dialog box
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