Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 5.2 a TKE and thermal variance dissipation rates versus depth at ISW 92. b Estimates of
mixing length derived from spectral peaks ( λ peak ) , from the TKE balance assuming production
equals dissipation ( λ ε ) , and from the thermal variance conservation equation ( λ T ) (Adapted from
McPhee and Martinson 1994. With permission American Association for the Advancement of
where u is the local friction velocity. This differs from the similarity model dis-
cussedinChapter4inthat K isallowedtovaryin theouterlayer,while weassume
Without resorting to similarity scaling or mixing-length arguments, it is possi-
ble to estimate a representative eddy viscosity during the ISW storm directly from
Ekman theory. If the kinematic stress magnitude is exponential, i.e.,
τ = τ 0 e az ,we
can estimate the parameters
τ 0 and a by the linear regression of log
versus z .Re-
sults ofthefittingareshowninFig.5.3.FromtheEkmansolution
2 a 2
K fit =
/ (
026m 2 s 1 .
The ratheruniquedataset fromtheISW storm also providesa credibleestimate
ofthescalar thermaleddydiffusivityaveragedthroughtheentireIOBL,byrelating
directly the vertical averaged kinematic heat flux
where a istheslopeofthesemilogarithmicfit.With a
K fit =
and thermal gradient.
With an average heat flux of less than 10Wm 2 during the ISW storm, a rough
estimate of the expected thermal gradient in the well mixed layer may be made by
w T )
02m 2 s 1
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