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Fig. 3. (a) The measured spatial variability in P CO 2 in Ballynamintra Cave, Ireland (Baldini et al. 2006). (b) The calcite
precipitation rate calculated assuming the P CO 2 distribution shown in panel A, [Ca ] ¼ 2.5 mmol L 21 , a drip rate of one
drip every 60 seconds, cave temperature ¼ 10 8C, a kinetic constant (a) ¼ 0.0001275 mm s 21 , and a thin film thickness
(d) ¼ 0.1 mm. All growth determining variables were kept constant spatially except for the P CO 2 : Growth rates were
calculatedusingtheequationspresentedinBaldini et al. (2008),whichwereadaptedfromprevious research(e.g.Buhmann
& Dreybrodt 1985a; Dreybrodt 1999; Kaufmann 2003). (c) The calcite precipitation rate calculated using all the same
values for growthdetermining variables as for panel B, with the exceptionof [Ca ]whichwas reduced to1.25 mmol L 21 .
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