Geology Reference
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Fig. 11. Stable isotope composition (d 13 C and d 18 O, ‰ PDB) of cool and warm period sediment taken from tablets 2, 3,
5 and 7. Mean d 18 O (‰ SMOW) of water sampled in June and December from December 2000 - December 2002
is shown.
Fig. 12. Stable isotope composition (d 13 C and d 18 O, ‰ PDB) of cool and warm period sediment taken from tablets in a
stepped waterfall (a) and in fast flowing water areas (b), (c) and (d). d 18 O (‰ SMOW) values of water of the sites
of tablets 7 and 3 are plotted in (a) and (c). (e) Mean d 18 O (‰ SMOW) of water sampling sites. (f) Water temperature
expressed as the mean of the sites of the tablets for each period. Mean air temperature for the same periods. Mean of the
calculated temperatures (for theoretical precipitation equilibrium) from sediment d 18 O of tablets 7, 2, 3 and 5. (g)
The calculated temperature for the measured sediment d 18 O of tablet 3 is plotted along with the measured water
temperature for this site.
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