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Axiom 6.7
a 2
2 .
6.10 Notation
Having abandoned i , j , k for e 1 , e 2 , e 3 , it is convenient to convert geometric products
e 1 e 2 ···
e n to e 12 ··· n . For example, e 1 e 2 e 3
e 123 . Furthermore, we must get used to
the following substitutions:
e i e i e j =
e j
e 21 =−
e 12
e 312 =
e 123
e 112 =
e 2
e 121 =−
e 2 .
6.11 Grades, Pseudoscalars and Multivectors
As geometric algebra embraces such a wide range of objects, it is convenient to
grade them as follows: scalars are grade 0, vectors are grade 1, bivectors are grade 2,
and trivectors are grade 3, and so on for higher dimensions. In such a graded algebra
it is traditional to call the highest grade element a pseudoscalar . Thus in 2D the
pseudoscalar is e 12 and in 3D the pseudoscalar is e 123 .
One very powerful feature of geometric algebra is the idea of a multivector ,
which is a linear combination of a scalar, vector, bivector, trivector, or any other
higher dimensional object. For example the following are multivectors:
( 2 e 1 +
3 e 2 +
4 e 3 )
( 5 e 12 +
6 e 23 +
7 e 31 )
8 e 123
( 2 e 1 +
2 e 2 +
3 e 3 )
( 4 e 12 +
5 e 23 +
6 e 31 )
7 e 123
and we can form their sum:
( 4 e 1 +
5 e 2 +
7 e 3 )
( 9 e 12 +
11 e 23 +
13 e 31 )
15 e 123
or their difference:
( e 2 +
e 3 )
( e 12 +
e 23 +
e 31 )
e 123 .
We can even form their product AB .
We can isolate any grade of a multivector using the following notation:
where g identifies a particular grade. For example, say we have the following mul-
3 e 1 +
2 e 2
5 e 12 +
6 e 123
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