Graphics Reference
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Fig. 10.2 The point P
remains fixed whilst the
frame XYZ is translated
( t x , t y , t z )
For example, the origin of XYZ becomes (t x ,t y ,t z ) in X Y Z :
t x
t y
t z
100 t x
010 t y
001 t z
000 1
Therefore, the transform for translating a frame by (t x ,t y ,t z ) is
t x
t y
T 1
t x ,t y ,t z =
t z
000 1
Now we consider rotated frames of reference in space.
10.3.2 Rotated Frames of Reference About Cartesian Axes
A 2D frame of reference can only be rotated within its plane, whereas a 3D frame
can be rotated about any axis, whether it be a Cartesian axis or some arbitrary axis.
Let's look at how R α,x behaves when rotating frames about the x -axis, and apply
the results to the other axes.
We know that we can rotate a point, α about the x -axis using
R α,x =
cos α
sin α
0 n α
cos α
However, R α,x can also be used to rotate a frame
α about the x -axis. Similarly,
R 1
α,x rotates a frame α about the same axis. Therefore, in general, we can use the
same technique for all three Cartesian axes.
Figure 10.3 (a) and (b) show our unit cube rotated by
90° about the x -axis,
whilst (c) and (d) show the frame rotated 90° about the same axis, with the cube
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