Environmental Engineering Reference
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Ostfeld (2001)
Probability of zero annual shortage Hydraulic analysis +
stochastic simulation
The regional water
supply system of
Nazareth, Israel
Ostfeld et al.
Probability of Fraction of
Delivered Volume (FDV), Fraction
of Delivered Demand (FDD) and
Fraction of Delivered Quality
Stochastic (Monte Carlo)
EPANET Examples 1
and 3 (Rossman, 2000)
Awumah et al.
(1990, 1991)
Entropy measures based on flow
and consumption
Simple entropy reliability
expression calculations
Illustrative examples
Awumah and
Goulter (1992)
Entropy measures as
constraints in optimal design
of WDS; use of non-linear
Illustrative examples
Tanyimboh and
Tailored maximum entropy
flow algorithm for single
source networks
Small illustrative
Tanyimboh and
Summary of previous work
Tailored maximum
constrained approach
Small illustrative
Generally, two distinct types of events can induce a water distribution system to a failure
state. The first one is termed as the hydraulic performance failure , which is related to the
situations where the demand imposed on a system exceeds the capacity of the system. The
second one is related to a component failure, or the mechanical failure , which can lead (but
not necessarily) to the hydraulic performance failure. It involves actual failures of the
network reducing its conveying capacity during the failure but also after the failed component
is isolated and undergoing a repair. This situation can be prevented through a selection of
larger diameter pipes and larger capacities for other components of the network (Lansey et
al., 2002; Trifunović, 2006). Many researchers have focused on the mechanical failures,
assuming their probability as a crucial aspect of the network reliability assessment.
2.4.1 Pipe Failures
Given their huge number and variety of conditions (different material, size, age, type and
frequency of maintenance), pipes are commonly analysed on mechanical failures. The
objective of modelling pipe failure rate is to reproduce adequately the average tendency of
the annual number of pipe breaks and to predict breakage rates in the future. According to the
Watson et al. (2001), the modelling of pipe failures can be mainly grouped into three
categories: (1) survival analyses, (2) aggregated (regression) models, and (3) probabilistic
predictive models.
Survival analyses focus on the lifetime of a pipe and are primarily used for a long term
financial planning. The pipe lifetime is treated as a random variable and a standard statistical
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