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of commands. The management is vendor agnostic, in the sense that the user
asks for performing a specific operation (start, stop, restart, etc.) on any given
Cloud Agency Graphical User Interface (CA-GUI) is another tool that
helps the user during the deployment and execution of his/her mOSAIC appli-
cation. The functionalities offered by the CA-GUI are basically the same of the
CA-CLI ones. Of course, the graphical interface is more powerful than the com-
mand line to take under control all the stuff during the provisioning phase: the
editing and the listing of the Call For Proposals (CFPs) , the providers' proposals
or SLAs, the acquired resources and their state. It also provides some additional
functionalities in order to simplify the Cloud management, such as the listing of
the available vendors, the start/stop of an available VM, the attach and detach
of an available storage and so on.
(a) GUI tab for provisioning
(b) GUI tab for management
Fig. 3. Graphical User Interface for Cloud Agency Client
In Fig. 3 (a) it is shown how the CA-GUI appears. On top of the interface
there is the location of the connected Cloud Agency instance. Just below this
one there are some buttons, each one representing a Cloud Agency service and
allowing the user for easily performing provisioning, management, monitoring
and reconfiguration operations. Moreover, the Cloud button provides several
functionalities to manage the CFPs and to get informations about Cloud Agency
status. By clicking a button, a new panel appears, which is customized by the
particular operations that the selected service allows. The CA-GUI handle both
ASR and SSR in order to get the requested informations and/or to perform an
action. On the bottom of the window the raw notification messages are displayed.
The management console, shown in Fig. 3 (b) allows the user for start-
ing/stopping VMs, for loading and attaching VM images, for deploying and
executing applications and so on.
The monitoring console allows for the configuration of the monitoring infras-
tructure on the acquired resources. For each resource is possible to select a set of
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