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function remains 1, and this maximum is attained at the origin for all T s. However,
when T increases, the values of the functions
B T ( ω )
} T at ω =0increase with T ,
since sinc( T
0) = 1. As a result, B T ( ω ) approaches infinity at ω =0, whereas the
effective width of the B T functions shrink to zero. Thus, the B T ( ω ) approaches to
something which is zero everywhere except at the origin and yet has an area which
is always 1!
That something is the so-called Dirac distribution represented by δ
2 π T
sinc( ω T
B T ( ω ) = lim
2 )= δ ( ω )
which is shown in Fig. 7.1. Other names for the Dirac distribution are the delta
function , unit impulse , and the Dirac function , although, δ ( ω ) is not very useful when
considered strictly as a function. This is because the δ ( ω ) interpreted as a function,
will only deliver the value zero, except at the origin, where it will not even deliver a
finite value, but delivers the value “infinity”.
In mathematics, the limit of the B T function is not defined in terms of what it
does to the points ω , its argument, but instead what it does to a class of other func-
tions under integration. That is also where its utility arises, namely, it consistently
delivers a value as a result of the integration. Such objects are called generalized
functions, or distributions. To obtain a hint on how we should define the limit of
B T , we should thus study the behavior of B T when it is integrated with arbitrary
(integrable) functions f :
B T ,f
B T f ( ω )
= (
2 π
χ T ( t ) exp(
iωt ) dt ) f ( ω )
= (
2 π
iωt ) f ( ω ) ) χ T ( t ) dt
F ( t ) χ T ( t ) dt
Thus, in the limit we will obtain
B T ,f
F ( t ) dt = f (0)
because χ T approaches to the constant function 1 with increasing T . Also, changing
the order of the integration and the limit operator is not a problem for physically
realizable functions. This shows that as T grows beyond any bound, B T will consis-
tently “kick out” the value of its fellow integrand f at origin, no matter the choice of
f . Therefore, we give the following precision to δ , the Dirac distribution.
Definition 7.1. The Dirac- δ distribution is defined as
δ, f
f ( ω ) δ ( ω ) = f (0)
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