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This equation, together with Eq. (6.39), establishes f and F as a discrete transform
pair when sampled on the grids of t m and ω n , respectively. We state the result as a
Lemma 6.2. Let f ( t ) be a finite extension function with the extension T and have N
nonzero FCs. The samples of f
N− 1
2 π
t n = n T
f ( t n )=
F ( ω m ) exp( m t n ) , with
N ,
m =0
and the samples of its FT,
N− 1
F ( ω m )=( N 2 π
ω m = m 2 π
) 1
f ( t n ) exp( −iω m t n ) , with
n =0
constitute a discrete transform pair.
Using an analogous reasoning and theorem 6.2 we can restate this result for band-
limited functions.
Lemma 6.3. Let f ( t ) be a band-limited function, i.e., F ( ω ) has the finite extension
Ω , that has at most N nonzero samples f ( t n ) with t n = n 2 Ω . The samples of f
N− 1
2 π
TN F ( ω m ) exp( m t n ) , with
t n = n 2 π
f ( t n )=
Ω ,
m =0
and the samples of its FT,
N− 1
F ( ω m )=( 2 π
ω m = m Ω
) 1
f ( t n ) exp(
m t n ) , with
N ,
n =0
constitute a discrete transform pair.
The two lemmas can be simplified further because we are free to define T =
2 π ,or Ω =2 π . In either case, the transform pair can be interpreted as a finite
discrete sequence, even without reference to the sampling distance between t and
ω variables. Accordingly, both lemmas can be reduced to a dimensionless form that
only differs with where we place the transform constant 1 /N . We choose to reduce
the first lemma and give it as a theorem.
Theorem 6.4 (DFT). The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) for arrays with N ele-
ments, defined as
f ( m )exp
N− 1
F ( n )= 1
imn 2 π
m =0
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