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first-order tensor scalar products are therefore the same as those of the scalars and
the vectors of linear algebra. Not surprisingly, the second-order tensors can also be
equipped with a scalar product. We restate these results for the first- and second-order
Lemma 3.3. With the following scalar products
u ( k ) v ( k )
u , v
A ( k, l ) B ( kl )
A , B
where k, l run over the components of the tensor indices, the tensors up to the second-
order having the same dimension constitute Hilbert spaces.
Example 3.4. Weattempttoexpand3
3 imagesinanorthogonalbasiswithmatrix
elements having
1 or 0, in an analogous manner as in Example 3.3. We note, how-
ever, that it is now more difficult to guess orthogonal matrices. We suggest “guess-
ing” but only three variables instead of 9, by using the following observation.
Consider the vectors u ( i ) in E 3 :
u 0 =( 0 , 1 , 0) T
u 1 =( 1 , 0 , 1) T
u 2 =( 1 , 0 , 1) T
= u i u j =0
u i , u j
= j
By using the following product based on the ordinary matrix product rule in linear
algebra, tensor product, we can construct 3
3 matrices U k that are orthogonal
second-order tensors in the sense of the above scalar product (Eq. 3.45).
U k = u i u j
That the matrices U k are orthogonal to each other follows by direct examination:
u i u j , u i u j =
u i ( m ) u j ( n ) u i ( m ) u j ( n )
u i ( m ) u i ( m ))(
u j ( n ) u j ( n ))
when ( i, j ) =( i ,j ). Consequently, we can expand all 3 × 3 real matrices by using
the scalar product in Eq. (3.45) and the basis U k .
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