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is simply the square of the length of the basis vectors that can be computed ahead
of the time, and in fact also be used to rescale
{ e } i . For this reason, it is justified to
assume that the length of basis vectors are normalized to 1,
e i = e i /
e i , e i
so that
e i , e i
=1and the equation (3.33) reduces to
c i = x ( i )=
x , e i
The hat on e i is a way to tell that this vector has the length 1. Often, the hat is even
omitted, when this fact is clear from the context.
Definition 3.4. The vectors u m and u n are orthonormal if
u m , u n
= δ ( m
n )
where δ is the Kronecker delta and is defined as
δ ( m )= 1 , if m =0 ;
0 , otherwise.
In analogy with E 3 ,evenin E N (as well as in C N ) there must be exactly N vectors
in order that they will be just sufficient, neither too many nor too few, to represent
any point in E N . Also in E N , such a set of vectors is called a basis . If the basis
vectors are orthogonal the basis is called an orthogonal basis.
3.6 Tensors as Hilbert Spaces
Discussed in linear algebra textbooks (e.g., [147, 210]) matrices are arrays with two
indices having scalar (real or complex) elements. Because addition and scaling are
well defined for matrices, we already know from Sect. 3.2 that they constitute a
vector space. Furthermore, in Sect. 3.2 we saw that actually all arrays with multiple
indices are vector spaces, and many of them correspond to real images. We only
need a suitable scalar product to make such spaces Hilbert spaces. For simplicity we
assume four indices below, but the conclusions are readily generalizable.
Lemma 3.2. Let A and B be two arrays that have the same size. Then, with the
A ( k, l, m, n ) B ( k, l, m, n )
A , B
the space of such arrays is a Hilbert space.
To show that this fulfills the conditions of a scalar product, one can proceed as in Eq.
(3.27). This scalar product prompts the following norm:
A 2 =
| 2
A , A
A ( k, l, m, n )
k,l,m,n |
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