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Any rule that operates on two vectors and produces a number out of them is not good
enough to be qualified to be a scalar product. To be called a scalar product, such an
operator must obey the scalar product rules :
u , v
v , u
α u , v
u , v
u + v , z
u , z
v , z
=0 iff u =0
Here the star is the complex conjugate, and “iff” is a short way of writing “if and
only if”. Remembering the first requirement, we note that the second is equivalent to
u , u
> 0
=0 ,
u , u
u v
= α
u , v
As a byproduct, the last relationship offers a natural way of producing a norm for
a vector space having a scalar product:
u =
u , u
Since the scalar product can be used to express the norm, the distance between
two vectors is easily expressed by scalar products as well:
u v 2 =
u v , u v
Definition 3.2. A vector space which has a scalar product defined in itself is called
a Hilbert Space.
We use the term “scalar product” and not the term “real” since this allows us to
use the same concept of Hilbert Space for vector spaces having complex-valued ele-
ments. The scalar products can thus be complex-valued in general, but never the norm
associated with it. Such vector spaces are represented by the symbol C N . Hence a
scalar product for C N must be defined in such a way that the auto-scalar product of
a vector represents the square of the length. The norm must be strictly positive or be
zero if and only if the vector is null. As a scalar product for E N would be a special
case of the scalar product for C N , it should be inherited from that of C N . For this
reason the definition of a scalar product on C N must be done with some finesse.
Lemma 3.1. A scalar product for vectors u , v
C N , i.e., vectors with complex
elements having the same finite dimension, yields
u ( i ) v ( i )
u , v
where is the complex conjugate and u ( i ) , v ( i ) are the elements of u , v .
We show the lemma by first observing that conditions 1-3 on scalar products are
fulfilled because these properties follow from the definition of u and v , and be-
cause u and v belong to the vector space. For any complex number u ( i ), the product
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