Image Processing Reference
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To summarize, to achieve translation, rotation, and scale-invariance jointly, one
can ignore B (0) and normalize all other FDs by another B ( n ) that has a large
magnitude, usually B (1). In that one ignores B (0) and B (1), containing four free-
doms. This is economical because it corresponds precisely to translation- (two free-
doms), rotation- (1 freedom), and scale-invariance (one freedom). Note that the in-
dex n
1 runs over the full range of the coefficients so that the negative
frequencies have the indices N
n according to the cyclical translation rules of
DFT. Whereas
B ( n )
B (
n )
because b ( k ) are not real, in practical applications
. Accordingly,
when truncating B ( n ), the coefficients are kept symmetrical w.r.t. n =0, as is done
in Fig. 17.7.
B ( n )
still decays as the index n increases through 0 ,
1 ,
2 ,
3 ,
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