Image Processing Reference
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in its last M
K diagonal elements. By contrast, if O were a sleeping matrix, the
quadratic matrix OO T would not be singular in general since no zero values would
be automatically generated in the diagonal elements of ΣΣ T . Evidently, the number
of such null eigenvalues is a consequence of whether or not the equation O T ψ = 0
is overdetermined, which is paraphrased by the term sleeping O . Similarly, one can
diagonalize O T O as
= T ΣV T
= V ΛV T
to the effect that the eigenvectors of O T O are to be found in the columns of V ,
whereas its eigenvalues are in the diagonal elements Σ T Σ . The two diagonal matri-
ces Σ T Σ and Σ Σ T contain the same nonzero diagonal elements.
There exist effective software implementations of SVD, and even some where
only the first K columns of U are computed in case one has K
M . This is
valuable in image analysis, where one often fits hyperplanes with low dimensions to
data in high-dimensional (Hilbert) vector spaces. The SVD is a ubiquous tool that
can be generously applied to numerous vision problems.
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