Image Processing Reference
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The corresponding points can be searched along lines that can be effectuated as
a 1D search instead of a search in two dimensions. For example, if the point
( −−−−−→
O L P L ) LD is known, then by substituting it in Eq. (13.116) one obtains the
search line on which the corresponding unknown point ( −−−−−→
O R P R ) must lie.
The establishment of corresponding points in images is a crucial problem for 3D
geometry reconstruction from stereo.
The epipolar lines can be utilized to implement triangulation where the rays
O L P L and −−−−→
are guaranteed to intersect.
13.6 The Fundamental Matrix by Correspondence
Assume that the correspondences of (at least) eight points in the digital image co-
ordinates are known. Then Eq. (13.116) can be written for a known pair of points,
expressed in homogeneous coordinates, as
0=( p R ) T Fp L
= c R c L F 11 + c R r L F 12 + c R F 13 +
+ r R c L F 21 + r R r L F 22 + r R F 23 +
c L F 31 +
r L F 32 +
F 33 =0
where the unknown matrix elements,
F 11 F 12 F 13
F 21 F 22 F 23
F 31 F 32 F 33
F =
and the known pair of points,
p L =( c L ,r L , 1) T
p R =( c R ,r R , 1) T ,
have been utilized. Equation (13.121) is a scalar product between two 9D vectors
that reduces to the homogeneous equation
q T f =0
q =( c R c L ,c R r L ,c R ,r R c L ,r R r L ,r R , L ,r L , 1 T
f =( F 11 ,F 12 ,F 13 ,F 21 ,F 22 ,F 23 ,F 31 ,F 32 ,F 33 ) T
where the vectors q and f encode the known data and the unknown parameters,
respectively. Geometrically, Eq. (13.124) represents the equation of a hyperplane in
E 9 , and we are interested once again in finding the direction of this hyperplane, f ,
when we know a set of correspondences,
, of image points in a pair of stereo
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