Image Processing Reference
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the role of the world frame in analogy with Sect. 13.2, and consequently, the inter-
pretation of t , R remains as listed above. We express the cross-product operation
× q as a matrix multiplication with a vector q , that is:
× q = T · q
where, given that
O R O L =( X, Y, Z ) T
the matrix T is determined by the elements of −−−−→
O R O L as
T =
YX 0
The coplanarity equation, (13.95), for points O L PO R
then yields:
( −−−→
O R P ) T TR ( −−−→
O L P ) L = 0
Consequently, the coplanarity equation can be expressed as
( −−−→
O R P ) T E ( −−−→
O L P ) L =0 ,
E = TR
Calling the third components of ( −−−→
O L P ) L , −−−→
O R P as Z L ,Z R , and the focus length of
the two camera frames as f L ,f R , respectively, we can, from Eq. (13.100) obtain
Z R −−−→
Z L −−−→
( f R
O R P ) T E ( f L
O L P ) L =0
so that
( −−−−−→
O R P R ) T E ( −−−−→
O L P L ) L =0
Note that both −−−−−→
O R P R and ( −−−−→
O L P L ) L are now image points expressed in homoge-
neous coordinates in the right and the left image planes , respectively. In what follows
we will not mark the homogenized position vectors in the two image planes, because
all such vectors are homogenized.
The matrix E , often named the essential matrix for the stereo system, 9 is not
affected when the point P moves in the space. It changes only when the relative
position and gaze of the cameras change by a translation (via T ), and/or by a rotation
(via R ), respectively. The equation can be utilized when determining correspondence
9 Note that E = TR and the stereo extrinsic matrix, M E =[ R , t ], discussed in Sect. 13.4
are obtained from the same information.
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