Image Processing Reference
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where ( −−−→
xOP ) C =( X, Y, Z ) T and ( −−−→
( x, y, 1) T are the coordinates
of the point P in the camera frame, and the homogeneous coordinates of the point
O P ) AH = Z
in the analog image frame, respectively.
Not surprisingly, the homogeneous coordinate concept is the result of geometry
studies in mathematics, to which A.F. Mobius (1790-1868) contributed greatly. It
has turned out to be an important tool of computer vision as well as computer graph-
ics in modern times. Among others, it is used to make affine transformations linear,
e.g., a 3D rotation and translation can be implemented as a single 4
4 matrix mul-
tiplication, thanks to the relationship between the projective spaces and Euclidean
spaces. Besides that, the representation allows a structured treatment of geometric
concepts such as points, infinite lines, planes, parallelism, and bundles [70, 91].
Above, the quantities x, and y were in length units, e.g., meters or focal length,
whereas one refers to a point in a digital image by its column count in the left-right
direction, c , and by its row count in the top-down direction, r . Having this, and the
geometric relationship
O P = −−→
O C + −−→
in mind, the basis vectors e c , e r placed at point C define the digital image frame,
represented by the column and row basis vectors, e c , e r placed at the point C , which
is, in general, not the same as O . The quantities c, r are then coordinates in this
basis. The coordinates of a point in the digital image frame can be transformed to the
analog image frame by the following equations:
x =
( c
c 0 ) s x
y =
( r
r 0 ) s y
The pixel counts ( c, r ) T are with reference to the central point, C . The two minus
signs in Eq. (13.11) are motivated as follows. For the x -direction one should note
that the delivered digital image is the one observed by an observer behind the “image
screen” at point O so that an increase in c count results in a decrease in x . For the
y -direction one needs a minus sign because the row count r grows in the opposite
direction of y . By using Eq. (13.11) one can then obtain
c =
cZ =(
s x + c 0 ) Z
s x + c 0
s y
rZ =(
+ r 0 ) Z
s y
r =
+ r 0
Z =
In matrix form, this result is restated as follows:
Lemma 13.2. Let the frame representing the digital picture in a projective camera
with the basis vectors e c , e r , placed at a point C in the image. Then the coor-
dinates of a point P represented in the analog picture frame
are transformed to
as follows:
( −−→
CP ) DH = M D ( −−−→
O P ) AH
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