Image Processing Reference
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Δf = f ( x k ( t 1 ) ,y k ( t 1 ) ,t 1 )
f ( x k ( t 0 ) ,y k ( t 0 ) ,t 0 )) = 0
so that the substitution of Eq. (12.105) yields
Δf = f ( x k ,y k ,t 1 )
f ( x k
v x ,y k
v y ,t 0 )=0
The spatial coordinates x k ,y k refer to those at time t 1 , i.e., x k ( t 1 ) ,y k ( t 1 ). The differ-
ence function Δf is also called the displaced frame difference DFD, in the literature
because one moves a frame towards another using a displacement. In practice, how-
ever, the DFD is not exactly zero because the BCC is satisfied only approximately.
The problem is instead reformulated so that the
L 2 norm of the DFD is minimized
over v :
2 =
v y ,t 0 )) 2 =
f k ) 2 (12.108)
( f ( x k ,y k ,t 1 )
f ( x k
v x ,y k
( f k
where f k and f k are the sampled image frame at time t 1 and the sampled translated
image frame 11 at time t 0 . The minimization is achieved by assuming that f is a local
patch, typically a 7
<C , typically
C =7. Thus, a typical implementation would search for a point yielding the least
7 square, and the displacement is limited,
2 by varying v for a local f with the size of 7
7 in a search window of a
15. Equation (12.108) measures the distance between two images after one is
translated towards the other. Altenatively, one can compare the frame to its translated
previous frame by using a similarity measure. Defining the discrete gray values in the
2D image patches as vectors i.e.,
f =(
f k− 1 , f k , f k +1 ···
) T ,
) T ,
f =( ···f k− 1 ,f k ,f k +1 ···
the Schwartz inequality,
f , f
f T f
cos( θ )= |
can be used used as a similarity measure. One can search for the pattern f that is most
parallel to f among patterns in its vicinity by maximizing cos( θ ), which is insensitive
to multiplicative changes of f . Seeking the optimal f by maximizing cos( θ ) requires
repetitive scalar products, which is also a correlation. When
holds, opti-
mizing the objective functions in Eq. (12.108) and Eq. (12.110) yield identical v as
is seen by the expansion
f 2 = f
f , f
f = f 2 +
f 2 2 f T f
which is minimized at the same time as f T f is maximized. This is why using both
variants of the objective functions is known as correlation-based optical flow. A ma-
jor difference is, however, that the ratio cos( θ ) is less affected by brightness changes
because these are approximated well by multiplicative amplifications of images.
11 This is also referred to as the warped image .
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