Image Processing Reference
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k s
>K s
G ( k x ,k y )=0
Because of this
k t |
will have an upper bound for the meaningful spatial frequencies
k s
K s ⇒|
k t |≤
vK s = K t
Then, if the translation speed v is limited, the spatio-temporal image is band-limited,
too. Furthermore, if the temporal axis is sampled with the sampling period
2 π
2 K t or
tighter, the speeds of points moving with speeds not greater than v will be recover-
able, because the motion planes generated by such translations will have a smaller
inclination angle with the k x ,k y plane. In consequence of this, it is sufficient that
v max , K t , and K s satisfy
K t
K s
v max
where v max is the largest speed of any point in f ( x, y, t ), to recover the spatio-
temporal image, and thereby represent the motion without distortion, via the samples
f ( x j ,y j ,t j ). We summarize these results in the following lemma:
Lemma 12.8. Let g ( x, y ) be a band-limited function with the maximum spatial fre-
quency K s and f be a translated version of it, f ( x, y, t )= g ( x
v x t, y
v y t ) , with
the velocity v =( v x ,v y ) T . Then,
K s |
= K t
where K t is the maximal temporal frequency that can occur in F . If the structure
tensor is to be sampled, then K s and K t must satisfy
K s
K t
assuming normalized spatial and temporal sampling periods.
If we assume that both K s = K t = π , which normalizes the sampling period to
unity to the effect that the sampling points are one unit apart in x, y, and t directions,
then the maximal speed of the translation is bounded by
K t
K s
v max
To recover larger speeds from sampled images, either K t must be increased (the tem-
poral axis is sampled more densely) or K s should be decreased ( x, y axes are low-
pass filtered or the image is enlarged). When the structure tensor is used to recover
the velocity, one must make sure that both K t and K s are less than π/ 2, assuming
normalized distances between the image pixels and image frames.
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