Image Processing Reference
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[ Γ {p,σ 2 } ]=
Γ {p,σ 2 } ( x, y ) e −iω x x−iω y y dxdy
=2 πσ 2 (
σ 2
) p Γ {p, σ 2 } ( ω x y )
We note that, in the context of prolate spheroidal functions [204], and when con-
structing rotation-invariant 2D filters [52], it has been observed that the (integer)
symmetry order n of the function h ( ρ ) exp( inθ ), where h is a one-dimensional func-
tion, ρ and θ are polar coordinates, is preserved under the Fourier transform. Accord-
ingly, the Fourier transforms of such functions are: H 0 [ h ( ρ )]( ω ρ ), where H 0 is the
Hankel transform (of order 0) of h . However, a further precision is needed as to the
choice of the function family h , to render it invariant to Fourier transform.
Another analytic property that can be used to construct efficient filters by cascad-
ing smaller filters or simply to gain further insight into steerable filters or rotation-
invariant filters is the addition rule under the convolution. This is stated in the fol-
lowing theorem and is proved in the Appendix.
Theorem 11.4. The symmetry derivatives of Gaussians are closed under the convo-
lution operator so that the order and the variance parameters add under convolution:
Γ {p 1 1 }
Γ {p 2 2 } = Γ {p 1 + p 2 1 + σ 2 }
11.10 Discrete GST for Harmonic Monomials
We discussed above how analytic functions g ( z ) generate curve families via a linear
combination of their real, ξ =
[ g ( z )] parts. The curve
families generated by the real part are locally orthogonal to those of the imaginary
part. Here we discuss a specific family. The next lemma, a proof of which is given in
the Appendix, makes use of the symmetry derivatives of Gaussians to represent and
to sample the generalized structure tensor. Sampled functions are denoted as f k , i.e.,
f k = f ( x k ,y k ), as before.
[ g ( z )], and imaginary, η =
Lemma 11.6. Consider the analytic function g ( z ) with d dz
= z n
2 , and let n be an
. Then the discretized filter Γ {n,σ 2 }
integer, 0 ,
1 ,
is a detector for patterns
generated by the curves a
[ g ( z )] = constant, provided that a shifted
Gaussian is assumed as an interpolator and the magnitude of a symmetry derivative
of a Gaussian acts as a window function. The discrete scheme
[ g ( z )] + b
2 )= C n Γ {n,σ 2 }
( Γ { 1 1 }
f k ) 2
I 20 (
F ( ω ξ η )
Γ {n,σ 2 }
Γ { 1 1 }
| 2 )= C n |
f k | 2
I 11 (
F ( ω ξ η )
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