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Definition 11.6. We apply the p th symmetry derivative to the Gaussian and define
the function Γ {p,σ 2 } as
2 πσ 2 e
x 2 +
y 2
2 σ 2
Γ {p,σ 2 } ( x, y )=( D x + iD y ) p
with Γ { 0 2 } being the ordinary Gaussian.
Theorem 11.2. The differential operator D x + iD y and the scalar 1
σ 2 ( x + iy ) op-
erate on a Gaussian in an identical manner:
( D x + iD y ) p Γ { 0 2 } =(
σ 2
) p ( x + iy ) p Γ { 0 2 }
The theorem, proved in the Appendix (Sect. 11.13), reveals an invariance property of
the Gaussians w.r.t. symmetry derivatives. We compare the second-order symmetry
derivative with the classical Laplacian, also a second-order derivative operator, to
illustrate the analytical consequences of the theorem. The Laplacian of a Gaussian,
+ x 2 + y 2
σ 4
σ 2
( D x + D y ) Γ { 0 2 } =(
) Γ { 0 2 }
can obviously not be obtained by a mnemonic replacement of the derivative symbols
D x with x and D y with y in the Laplacian operator. As the Laplacian already hints,
with an increased order of derivatives, the resulting polynomial factor, e.g.,, the one
on the right-hand side of Eq. (11.99), will resemble less and less the polynomial form
of the derivation operator. Yet, it is such a form invariance that the theorem predicts
when symmetry derivatives are utilized. By using the linearity of the derivation op-
erator, the theorem can be generalized, see Sect. 11.13, to any polynomial as follows:
Lemma 11.5. Let the polynomial Q be defined as Q ( q )= N− 1
n =0
a n q n . Then
Q ( D x + iD y ) Γ { 0 2 } ( x, y )= Q (
σ 2 ( x + iy )) Γ { 0 2 } ( x, y )
That the Fourier transformation of a Gaussian is also a Gaussian has been known
and exploited in information sciences. It turns out that a similar invariance is valid
for symmetry derivatives of Gaussians, too.
A proof of the following theorem is omitted because it follows by observing that
derivation w.r.t. x corresponds to multiplication with x in the Fourier domain and
applying Eq. (11.98). Alternatively, theorem 3.4 of [208] can be used to establish it.
Theorem 11.3. The symmetry derivatives of Gaussians are Fourier transformed on
themselves, i.e.,
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