Image Processing Reference
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Using this norm to measure the amount of dissimilarity, we obtain
G ( ω )
χ ( ω )
=max( a, 1
a )
where a is in the interval ]0 , 1[ and is defined geometrically as in Fig. 9.3. The figure
illustrates a Gaussian with a specific σ , demonstrating that the
|| is determined
by the intersection of the line ω = π
with the graph of G ( ω ) because this is where the
highest absolute values of the difference will occur. The norm equals the maximum
of the pair a and 1 −a , as depicted in the figure. By varying σ , the intersection point
can be varied with the expectation that we will find a low value for max( a, 1 − a ).
The lowest possible norm is evidently obtained for σ 0 , producing a =0 . 5 i.e.,
2 )=exp
= 1
) 2
2( σ ) 2
( π
G ( π
so that the analytic solution,
σ 0 =
1 . 3
is the solution for the nonlinear minimization problem given in Eq. (9.19) when k
. In the spatial domain this corresponds to a Gaussian filter with
σ 0 = log(256)
0 . 75
Accordingly, the Gaussian with maximum 1 that approximates the constant function
1, the best in the
L norm, is the one placed in the middle and that attenuates 50%
at the characteristic function boundaries.
The used norm affects the optimal parameter selection. Had we chosen another
value for k in the
k norm, we would obtain another value for σ 0 , yielding a different
Gaussian. This is one of the reasons why there is not a unique down-sampling (or up-
sampling) filter: because the outcome depends on what norm one chooses to measure
the dissimilarity with.
We study here just how much the choice of the error metrics influences the σ 0
that determines the width of the Gaussian. The minimization of Eq. (9.19) can be
achieved for finite k numerically. The values of σ 0 that yield minimal dissimilari-
ties measured in different norms are listed in Table 9.1 when the cutoff frequency is
. Column σ 0 represents the corresponding standard deviations of the filters
in the spatial domain, with σ 0 =1 0 . The table shows that σ 0 varies in the interval
[1 , 1 . 3], where the upper bound is given by Eq. (9.24). This suggests that there is
a reasonably large interval from which σ 0 can be picked up to depreciate the high
frequencies sufficiently while not depreciating the low frequencies too severely for
down-sampling. The σ 0 determines the filter G in the frequency domain. The cor-
responding filter in the spatial domain is given by the g ( x ) in Eq. (9.11), where the
optimal σ 0
is the inverse of the σ 0 . Table 9.1 also lists the σ 0
values that determine
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