Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Configuring JButton buttons[1]
JButton buttons[1] (lines 52-53) has weightx and weighty values of 1. The fill vari-
able is BOTH . Line 52 specifies that the JButton is to be placed relative to the previous com-
ponent. The Button is added to the JFrame with a call to addComponent .
Configuring JButton buttons[2]
JButton buttons[2] (lines 56-57) has weightx and weighty values of 1. The fill vari-
able is BOTH . This JButton is the last component on the line, so REMAINDER is used. The
JButton is added to the content pane with a call to addComponent .
Configuring JComboBox
The JComboBox (lines 60-62) has a weightx of 1 and a weighty of 0. The JComboBox will
not grow vertically. The JComboBox is the only component on the line, so REMAINDER is
used. The JComboBox is added to the content pane with a call to addComponent .
Configuring JButton buttons[3]
JButton buttons[3] (lines 65-67) has weightx and weighty values of 1. The fill vari-
able is BOTH . This JButton is the only component on the line, so REMAINDER is used. The
JButton is added to the content pane with a call to addComponent .
Configuring JButton buttons[4]
JButton buttons[4] (lines 70-71) has weightx and weighty values of 1. The fill vari-
able is BOTH . This JButton is the next-to-last component on the line, so RELATIVE is used.
The JButton is added to the content pane with a call to addComponent .
Configuring JList
The JList (lines 74-75) has weightx and weighty values of 1. The fill variable is BOTH .
The JList is added to the content pane with a call to addComponent .
22.11 Wrap-Up
This chapter completes our introduction to GUIs. In this chapter, we discussed additional
GUI topics, such as menus, sliders, pop-up menus, multiple-document interfaces, tabbed
panes and Java's pluggable look-and-feel. All these components can be added to existing
applications to make them easier to use and understand. We also presented additional lay-
out managers for organizing and sizing GUI components. In the next chapter, you'll learn
about multithreading, which allows you to specify that an application should perform
multiple tasks at once.
Section 22.2 JSlider
JSlider s (p. 912) enable you to select from a range of integer values. They can display major and
minor tick marks, and labels for the tick marks (p. 912). They also support snap-to ticks (p. 912)
positioning the thumb (p. 912) between two tick marks snaps it to the closest tick mark.
JSlider s have either horizontal or vertical orientation. For a horizontal JSlider , the minimum
value is at the extreme left and the maximum value at the extreme right. For a vertical JSlider ,
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