Java Reference
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Fig. 22.8 | Test class for PopupFrame . (Part 2 of 2.)
Lines 44-69 register a MouseListener to handle the mouse events of the application
window. Methods mousePressed (lines 48-52) and mouseReleased (lines 55-59) check
for the pop-up trigger event. Each method calls private utility method checkForTrigger-
Event (lines 62-67) to determine whether the pop-up trigger event occurred. If it did,
MouseEvent method isPopupTrigger returns true , and JPopupMenu method show dis-
plays the JPopupMenu . The first argument to method show specifies the origin component ,
whose position helps determine where the JPopupMenu will appear on the screen. The last
two arguments are the x - y coordinates (measured from the origin component's upper-left
corner) at which the JPopupMenu is to appear.
Look-and-Feel Observation 22.9
Displaying a JPopupMenu for the pop-up trigger event of multiple GUI components re-
quires registering mouse-event handlers for each of those GUI components.
When the user selects a menu item from the pop-up menu, class ItemHandler 's
method actionPerformed (lines 76-88) determines which JRadioButtonMenuItem the
user selected and sets the background color of the window's content pane.
22.6 Pluggable Look-and-Feel
A program that uses Java's AWT GUI components (package java.awt ) takes on the look-
and-feel of the platform on which the program executes. A Java application running on a
Mac OS X looks like other Mac OS X applications, one running on Microsoft Windows
looks like other Windows applications, and one running on a Linux platform looks like
other applications on that Linux platform. This is sometimes desirable, because it allows
users of the application on each platform to use GUI components with which they're al-
ready familiar. However, it also introduces interesting portability issues.
Portability Tip 22.1
GUI components often look different on different platforms (fonts, font sizes, component
borders, etc.) and might require different amounts of space to display. This could change
their layout and alignments.
Portability Tip 22.2
GUI components on different platforms have might different default functionality—e.g.,
not all platforms allow a button with the focus to be “pressed” with the space bar.
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