Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Lines 59-72 create menu item exitItem , set its mnemonic to x , add it to fileMenu
and register an ActionListener that terminates the program when the user selects exit-
Item . Lines 74-76 create the JMenuBar , attach it to the window with JFrame method set-
JMenuBar and use JMenuBar method add to attach the fileMenu to the JMenuBar .
Look-and-Feel Observation 22.4
Menus appear left to right in the order they're added to a JMenuBar .
Setting Up the Format Menu
Lines 78-79 create the formatMenu and set its mnemonic to r . F is not used because that's
the File menu's mnemonic. Lines 84-85 create colorMenu (this will be a submenu in Format )
and set its mnemonic to C . Line 88 creates JRadioButtonMenuItem array colorItems , which
refers to the menu items in colorMenu . Line 89 creates ButtonGroup colorButtonGroup ,
which ensures that only one of the Color submenu items is selected at a time. Line 90 creates
an instance of inner class ItemHandler (declared at lines 154-181) that responds to selec-
tions from the Color and Font submenus (discussed shortly). The loop at lines 93-100 creates
each JRadioButtonMenuItem in array colorItems , adds each menu item to colorMenu and
to colorButtonGroup and registers the ActionListener for each menu item.
Line 102 invokes AbstractButton method setSelected to select the first element in
array colorItems . Line 104 adds colorMenu as a submenu of formatMenu . Line 105
invokes JMenu method addSeparator to add a horizontal separator line to the menu.
Look-and-Feel Observation 22.5
A submenu is created by adding a menu as a menu item in another menu.
Look-and-Feel Observation 22.6
Separators can be added to a menu to group menu items logically.
Look-and-Feel Observation 22.7
Any JComponent can be added to a JMenu or to a JMenuBar .
Lines 108-126 create the Font submenu and several JRadioButtonMenuItem s and select
the first element of JRadioButtonMenuItem array fonts . Line 129 creates a JCheckBoxMenu-
Item array to represent the menu items for specifying bold and italic styles for the fonts. Line
130 creates an instance of inner class StyleHandler (declared at lines 185-208) to respond
to the JCheckBoxMenuItem events. The for statement at lines 133-139 creates each JCheck-
BoxMenuItem , adds it to fontMenu and registers its ItemListener . Line 141 adds fontMenu
as a submenu of formatMenu . Line 142 adds the formatMenu to bar (the menu bar).
Creating the Rest of the GUI and Defining the Event Handlers
Lines 145-147 create a JLabel for which the Format menu items control the font, font
color and font style. The initial foreground color is set to the first element of array color-
Values ( Color.BLACK ) by invoking JComponent method setForeground . The initial font
is set to Serif with PLAIN style and 72 -point size. Line 149 sets the background color of
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