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Appendix F shows how to use this documentation.
2.6 Memory Concepts
Variable names such as number1 , number2 and sum actually correspond to locations in the
computer's memory. Every variable has a name , a type , a size (in bytes) and a value .
In the addition program of Fig. 2.7, when the following statement (line 18) executes:
number1 = input.nextInt(); // read first number from user
the number typed by the user is placed into a memory location corresponding to the name
number1 . Suppose that the user enters 45 . The computer places that integer value into lo-
cation number1 (Fig. 2.8), replacing the previous value (if any) in that location. The pre-
vious value is lost, so this process is said to be destructive .
Fig. 2.8 | Memory location showing the name and value of variable number1 .
When the statement (line 21)
number2 = input.nextInt(); // read second number from user
executes, suppose that the user enters 72 . The computer places that integer value into lo-
cation number2 . The memory now appears as shown in Fig. 2.9.
Fig. 2.9 | Memory locations after storing values for number1 and number2 .
After the program of Fig. 2.7 obtains values for number1 and number2 , it adds the
values and places the total into variable sum . The statement (line 23)
sum = number1 + number2; // add numbers, then store total in sum
performs the addition, then replaces any previous value in sum . After sum has been calcu-
lated, memory appears as shown in Fig. 2.10. The values of number1 and number2 appear
exactly as they did before they were used in the calculation of sum . These values were used,
but not destroyed, as the computer performed the calculation. When a value is read from
a memory location, the process is nondestructive .
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