Java Reference
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(a) firstNode
(b) firstNode
Fig. 21.9 | Graphical representation of operation removeFromBack .
and removal operations to the front and the back of the list. In Exercise 21.26, you'll
enhance the List class to enable insertions and deletions anywhere in the List .]
21.4.9 List Method print
Method print (lines 127-146 of Fig. 21.3) first determines whether the list is empty (lines
129-133). If so, print displays a message indicating that the list is empty and returns control
to the calling method. Otherwise, print outputs the list's data. Line 136 creates ListNode
current and initializes it with firstNode . While current is not null , there are more items
in the list. Therefore, line 141 outputs a string representation of . Line 142
moves to the next node in the list by assigning the value of reference current.nextNode to
current . This printing algorithm is identical for linked lists, stacks and queues.
21.4.10 Creating Your Own Packages
As you know, the Java API types (classes, interfaces and enum s) are organized in packages that
group related types. Packages facilitate software reuse by enabling programs to import exist-
ing classes, rather than copying them into the folders of each program that uses them. Pro-
grammers use packages to organize program components, especially in large programs. For
example, you might have one package containing the types that make up your program's
graphical user interface, another for the types that manage your application's data and an-
other for the types that communicate with servers over a network. In addition, packages help
you specify unique names for every type you declare, which (as we'll discuss) helps prevent
class-name conflicts. This section introduces how to create and use your own packages.
Much of what we discuss here is handled for you by IDEs such as NetBeans, Eclipse and In-
telliJ IDEA. We focus on creating and using packages with the JDK's command-line tools.
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