Java Reference
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and 4.1 are autoboxed as Double objects. Line 12 declares and creates an ArrayList object
that stores Number s and assigns it to variable numberList .
Lines 14-15 traverse array numbers and place each element in numberList . Line 17
outputs the contents of the ArrayList as a String . This statement implicitly invokes the
ArrayList 's toString method, which returns a String of the form "[ elements ]" in which
elements is a comma-separated list of the elements' String representations. Lines 18-19
display the sum of the elements that is returned by the call to method sum .
Method sum (lines 23-32) receives an ArrayList of Number s and calculates the total
of the Number s in the collection. The method uses double values to perform the calcula-
tions and returns the result as a double . Lines 28-29 use the enhanced for statement,
which is designed to work with both arrays and the collections of the Collections Frame-
work, to total the elements of the ArrayList . The for statement assigns each Number in
the ArrayList to variable element , then uses Number method doubleValue to obtain the
Number 's underlying primitive value as a double value. The result is added to total . When
the loop terminates, the method returns the total .
Implementing Method sum With a Wildcard Type Argument in Its Parameter
Recall that the purpose of method sum in Fig. 20.13 was to total any type of Number s stored
in an ArrayList . We created an ArrayList of Number s that contained both Integer and
Double objects. The output of Fig. 20.13 demonstrates that method sum worked properly.
Given that method sum can total the elements of an ArrayList of Number s, you might ex-
pect that the method would also work for ArrayList s that contain elements of only one
numeric type, such as ArrayList<Integer> . So we modified class TotalNumbers to create
an ArrayList of Integer s and pass it to method sum . When we compile the program, the
compiler issues the following error message:
sum(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Number>) in TotalNumbersErrors
cannot be applied to (java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer>)
Although Number is the superclass of Integer , the compiler doesn't consider the type Array-
List<Number> to be a superclass of ArrayList<Integer> . If it were, then every operation we
could perform on ArrayList<Number> would also work on an ArrayList<Integer> . Con-
sider the fact that you can add a Double object to an ArrayList<Number> because a Double
is a Number , but you cannot add a Double object to an ArrayList<Integer> because a Dou-
ble is not an Integer . Thus, the subtype relationship does not hold.
How do we create a more flexible version of the sum method that can total the elements
of any ArrayList containing elements of any subclass of Number ? This is where wildcard
type arguments are important. Wildcards enable you to specify method parameters, return
values, variables or fields, and so on, that act as supertypes or subtypes of parameterized types.
In Fig. 20.14, method sum 's parameter is declared in line 50 with the type:
ArrayList<? extends Number>
A wildcard type argument is denoted by a question mark ( ? ), which by itself represents an
“unknown type.” In this case, the wildcard extends class Number , which means that the wild-
card has an upper bound of Number . Thus, the unknown-type argument must be either Num-
ber or a subclass of Number . With the parameter type shown here, method sum can receive
an ArrayList argument that contains any type of Number , such as ArrayList<Integer> (line
20), ArrayList<Double> (line 33) or ArrayList<Number> (line 46).
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