Java Reference
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catch (EmptyStackException emptyStackException)
} // end class StackTest2
Pushing elements onto doubleStack
1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5
Popping elements from doubleStack
5.5 4.4 3.3 2.2 1.1
EmptyStackException: Stack is empty, cannot pop
at Stack.pop(
at StackTest2.testPop(
at StackTest2.main(
Pushing elements onto integerStack
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Popping elements from integerStack
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
EmptyStackException: Stack is empty, cannot pop
at Stack.pop(
at StackTest2.testPop(
at StackTest2.main(
Fig. 20.10 | Passing generic Stack objects to generic methods. (Part 2 of 2.)
Lines 11-12 create the Stack<Double> and Stack<Integer> objects, respectively.
Lines 15-16 and 19-20 invoke generic methods testPush and testPop to test the Stack
objects. Because type parameters can represent only reference types, to be able to pass arrays
doubleElements and integerElements to generic method testPush , the arrays declared in
lines 7-8 must be declared with the wrapper types Double and Integer . When these arrays
are initialized with primitive values, the compiler autoboxes each primitive value.
Generic method testPush (lines 24-35) uses type parameter T (specified at line 24)
to represent the data type stored in the Stack<T> . The generic method takes three argu-
ments—a String that represents the name of the Stack<T> object for output purposes, a
reference to an object of type Stack<T> and an array of type T —the type of elements that
will be push ed onto Stack<T> . The compiler enforces consistency between the type of the
Stack and the elements that will be pushed onto the Stack when push is invoked, which
is the real value of the generic method call. Generic method testPop (lines 38-58) takes
two arguments—a String that represents the name of the Stack<T> object for output pur-
poses and a reference to an object of type Stack<T> .
20.7 Raw Types
The test programs for generic class Stack in Section 20.6 instantiate Stack s with type ar-
guments Double and Integer . It's also possible to instantiate generic class Stack without
specifying a type argument, as follows:
Stack objectStack = new Stack( 5 ); // no type argument specified
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