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Generic Method maximum and Specifying a Type Parameter's Upper Bound
Generic method maximum (lines 17-28) uses type parameter T as the return type of the
method (line 17), as the type of method parameters x , y and z (line 17), and as the type
of local variable max (line 19). The type-parameter section specifies that T extends
Comparable<T> —only objects of classes that implement interface Comparable<T> can be
used with this method. Comparable<T> is known as the type parameter's upper bound . By
default, Object is the upper bound, meaning that an object of any type can be used. Type-
parameter declarations that bound the parameter always use keyword extends regardless
of whether the type parameter extends a class or implements an interface. The upper
bound may be a comma-separated list that contains zero or one class and zero or more in-
Method maximum 's type parameter is more restrictive than the one specified for print-
Array in Fig. 20.3, which was able to output arrays containing any type of object. The
Comparable<T> restriction is important, because not all objects can be compared. How-
ever, Comparable<T> objects are guaranteed to have a compareTo method.
Method maximum uses the same algorithm that we used in Section 6.4 to determine
the largest of its three arguments. The method assumes that its first argument ( x ) is the
largest and assigns it to local variable max (line 19). Next, the if statement at lines 21-22
determines whether y is greater than max . The condition invokes y 's compareTo method
with the expression y.compareTo(max) , which returns a negative integer, 0 or a positive
integer, to determine y 's relationship to max . If the return value of the compareTo is greater
than 0 , then y is greater and is assigned to variable max . Similarly, the if statement at lines
24-25 determines whether z is greater than max . If so, line 25 assigns z to max . Then line
27 returns max to the caller.
Calling Method maximum
In main (lines 6-14), line 9 calls maximum with the integers 3 , 4 and 5 . When the compiler
encounters this call, it first looks for a maximum method that takes three arguments of type
int . There's no such method, so the compiler looks for a generic method that can be used
and finds generic method maximum . However, recall that the arguments to a generic meth-
od must be of a reference type . So the compiler autoboxes the three int values as Integer
objects and specifies that the three Integer objects will be passed to maximum . Class Inte-
ger (package java.lang ) implements the Comparable<Integer> interface such that meth-
od compareTo compares the int values in two Integer objects. Therefore, Integer s are
valid arguments to method maximum . When the Integer representing the maximum is re-
turned, we attempt to output it with the %d format specifier, which outputs an int prim-
itive-type value. So maximum 's return value is output as an int value.
A similar process occurs for the three double arguments passed to maximum in line 11.
Each double is autoboxed as a Double object and passed to maximum . Again, this is allowed
because class Double (package java.lang ) implements the Comparable<Double> interface.
The Double returned by maximum is output with the format specifier %.1f , which outputs
a double primitive-type value. So maximum 's return value is auto-unboxed and output as a
double . The call to maximum in line 13 receives three String s, which are also Compa-
rable<String> objects. We intentionally placed the largest value in a different position in
each method call (lines 9, 11 and 13) to show that the generic method always finds the
maximum value, regardless of its position in the argument list.
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