Java Reference
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argument. The only operation performed on the array elements in this example is to
output their String representation. Line 26 performs an implicit toString call on every
element . To work with generics, every element of the array must be an object of a class or inter-
face type. Since all objects have a toString method, the compiler is satisfied that line 26
performs a valid operation for any object in printArray 's array argument. The toString
methods of classes Integer , Double and Character return the String representation of
the underlying int , double or char value, respectively.
Erasure at Compilation Time
When the compiler translates generic method printArray into Java bytecodes, it removes
the type-parameter section and replaces the type parameters with actual types . This process is
known as erasure . By default all generic types are replaced with type Object . So the com-
piled version of method printArray appears as shown in Fig. 20.4—there's only one copy
of this code, which is used for all printArray calls in the example. This is quite different
from similar mechanisms in other programming languages, such as C++'s templates, in
which a separate copy of the source code is generated and compiled for every type passed as
an argument to the method. As you'll see in Section 20.4, the translation and compilation
of generics is a bit more involved than what we've discussed in this section.
By declaring printArray as a generic method in Fig. 20.3, we eliminated the need for
the overloaded methods of Fig. 20.1 and created a reusable method that can output the
String representations of the elements in any array that contains objects. However, this
particular example could have simply declared the printArray method as shown in
Fig. 20.4, using an Object array as the parameter. This would have yielded the same
results, because any Object can be output as a String . In a generic method, the benefits
become more apparent when you place restrictions on the type parameters, as we demon-
strate in the next section.
public static void printArray(
[] inputArray)
// display array elements
for (
element : inputArray)
System.out.printf( "%s " , element);
Fig. 20.4 | Generic method printArray after the compiler performs erasure.
20.4 Additional Compile-Time Translation Issues:
Methods That Use a Type Parameter as the Return Type
Let's consider a generic method in which type parameters are used in the return type and in
the parameter list (Fig. 20.5). The application uses a generic method maximum to determine
and return the largest of its three arguments of the same type. Unfortunately, the relational
operator > cannot be used with reference types . However, it's possible to compare two objects
of the same class if that class implements the generic interface Comparable<T> (from package
java.lang ). All the type-wrapper classes for primitive types implement this interface.
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