Java Reference
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they act as placeholders for the types of the arguments passed to the generic method, which
are known as actual type arguments . A generic method's body is declared like that of any
other method. Type parameters can represent only reference types —not primitive types (like
int , double and char ). Note, too, that the type-parameter names throughout the method
declaration must match those declared in the type-parameter section. For example, line 25
declares element as type T , which matches the type parameter ( T ) declared in line 22. Also,
a type parameter can be declared only once in the type-parameter section but can appear
more than once in the method's parameter list. For example, the type-parameter name T
appears twice in the following method's parameter list:
public static <T> T maximum(T value1, T value2)
Type-parameter names need not be unique among different generic methods. In method
printArray , T appears in the same two locations where the overloaded printArray meth-
ods of Fig. 20.1 specified Integer , Double or Character as the array element type. The
remainder of printArray is identical to the versions presented in Fig. 20.1.
Good Programming Practice 20.1
The letters T (for type ), E (for element ), K (for key ) and V (for value ) are commonly
used as type parameters. For other common ones, see
tutorial/java/generics/types.html .
Testing the Generic printArray Method
As in Fig. 20.1, the program in Fig. 20.3 begins by declaring and initializing six-element
Integer array integerArray (line 9), seven-element Double array doubleArray (line 10)
and five-element Character array characterArray (line 11). Then each array is output by
calling printArray (lines 14, 16 and 18)—once with argument integerArray , once with
argument doubleArray and once with argument characterArray .
When the compiler encounters line 14, it first determines argument integerArray 's
type (i.e., Integer[] ) and attempts to locate a method named printArray that specifies a
single Integer[] parameter. There's no such method in this example. Next, the compiler
determines whether there's a generic method named printArray that specifies a single
array parameter and uses a type parameter to represent the array element type. The com-
piler determines that printArray (lines 22-29) is a match and sets up a call to the method.
The same process is repeated for the calls to method printArray at lines 16 and 18.
Common Programming Error 20.1
If the compiler cannot match a method call to a nongeneric or a generic method declara-
tion, a compilation error occurs.
Common Programming Error 20.2
If the compiler doesn't find a method declaration that matches a method call exactly, but
does find two or more methods that can satisfy the method call, a compilation error occurs.
For the complete details of resolving calls to overloaded and generic methods, see http:// .
In addition to setting up the method calls, the compiler also determines whether the
operations in the method body can be applied to elements of the type stored in the array
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