Java Reference
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for ( int counter = 0 ; counter <= 40 ; counter++)
System.out.printf( "Fibonacci of %d is: %d%n" , counter,
} // end class FibonacciCalculator
Fibonacci of 0 is: 0
Fibonacci of 1 is: 1
Fibonacci of 2 is: 1
Fibonacci of 3 is: 2
Fibonacci of 4 is: 3
Fibonacci of 5 is: 5
Fibonacci of 6 is: 8
Fibonacci of 7 is: 13
Fibonacci of 8 is: 21
Fibonacci of 9 is: 34
Fibonacci of 10 is: 55
Fibonacci of 37 is: 24157817
Fibonacci of 38 is: 39088169
Fibonacci of 39 is: 63245986
Fibonacci of 40 is: 102334155
Fig. 18.5 | Recursive fibonacci method. (Part 2 of 2.)
The call to method fibonacci (line 25) from main is not a recursive call, but all sub-
sequent calls to fibonacci performed from lines 16-17 of Fig. 18.5 are recursive, because
at that point the calls are initiated by method fibonacci itself. Each time fibonacci is
called, it immediately tests for the base cases number equal to 0 or number equal to 1 (lines
12-13). We use BigInteger constants ZERO and ONE to represent the values 0 and 1,
respectively. If the condition in lines 12-13 is true , fibonacci simply returns number ,
because fibonacci(0) is 0 and fibonacci(1) is 1. Interestingly, if number is greater than
1, the recursion step generates two recursive calls (lines 16-17), each for a slightly smaller
problem than the original call to fibonacci . Lines 16-17 use BigInteger methods add
and subtract to help implement the recursive step. We also use a constant of type
BigInteger named TWO that we defined at line 7.
Analyzing the Calls to Method Fibonacci
Figure 18.6 shows how method fibonacci evaluates fibonacci(3) . At the bottom of the
figure we're left with the values 1, 0 and 1—the results of evaluating the base cases . The
first two return values (from left to right), 1 and 0, are returned as the values for the calls
fibonacci(1) and fibonacci(0) . The sum 1 plus 0 is returned as the value of fibonac-
ci(2) . This is added to the result (1) of the call to fibonacci(1) , producing the value 2.
This final value is then returned as the value of fibonacci(3) .
Figure 18.6 raises some interesting issues about the order in which Java compilers eval-
uate the operands of operators . This order is different from that in which operators are
applied to their operands—namely, the order dictated by the rules of operator precedence.
From Figure 18.6, it appears that while fibonacci(3) is being evaluated, two recursive
calls will be made— fibonacci(2) and fibonacci(1) . But in what order will they be
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