Java Reference
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17.13 (Sorting Letters and Removing Duplicates) Write a program that inserts 30 random letters
into a List<Character> . Perform the following operations and display your results:
a) Sort the List in ascending order.
b) Sort the List in descending order.
c) Display the List in ascending order with duplicates removed.
17.14 (Mapping Then Reducing An IntStream for Parallelization) The lambda you pass to a
stream's reduce method should be associative —that is, regardless of the order in which its subexpres-
sions are evaluated, the result should be the same. The lambda expression in lines 34-36 of Fig. 17.5
is not associative. If you were to use parallel streams (Chapter 23, Concurrency) with that lambda,
you might get incorrect results for the sum of the squares, depending on the order in which the sub-
expressions are evaluated. The proper way to implement lines 34-36 would be first to map each int
value to the square of that value, then to reduce the stream to the sum of the squares. Modify
Fig. 17.5 to implement lines 34-36 in this manner.
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