Java Reference
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Face Frequency
1 999339
2 999937
3 1000302
4 999323
5 1000183
6 1000916
Fig. 17.19 | Rolling a die 6,000,000 times with streams. (Part 2 of 2.)
Creating an IntStream of Random Values
In Java SE 8, class SecureRandom has overloaded methods ints , longs and doubles , which
it inherits from class Random (package java.util ). These methods return IntStream , Long-
Stream and DoubleStream , respectively, that represent streams of random numbers. Each
method has four overloads. We describe the ints overloads here—methods longs and dou-
bles perform the same tasks for streams of long and double values, respectively:
ints() —creates an IntStream for an infinite stream of random int s. An infinite
stream has an unknown number of elements—you use a short-circuiting terminal
operation to complete processing on an infinite stream. We'll use an infinite
stream in Chapter 23 to find prime numbers with the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
ints(long) —creates an IntStream with the specified number of random int s.
ints(int, int) —creates an IntStream for an infinite stream of random int val-
ues in the range starting with the first argument and up to, but not including, the
second argument.
ints(long, int, int) —creates an IntStream with the specified number of ran-
dom int values in the range starting with the first argument and up to, but not
including, the second argument.
Line 17 uses the last overloaded version of ints to create an IntStream of 6,000,000 ran-
dom integer values in the range 1-6.
Converting an IntStream to a Stream<Integer>
We summarize the roll frequencies in this example by collecting them into a Map<Integer,
Long> in which each Integer key is a side of the die and each Long value is the frequency of
that side. Unfortunately, Java does not allow primitive values in collections, so to summarize
the results in a Map , we must first convert the IntStream to a Stream<Integer> . We do this
by calling IntStream method boxed .
Summarizing the Die Frequencies
Lines 19-20 call Stream method collect to summarize the results into a Map<Integer,
Long> . The first argument to Collectors method groupingBy (line 19) calls static
method identity from interface Function , which creates a Function that simply returns
its argument. This allows the actual random values to be used as the Map 's keys. The second
argument to method groupingBy counts the number of occurrences of each key.
Displaying the Results
Lines 21-22 call the resulting Map 's forEach method to display the summary of the results.
This method receives an object that implements the BiConsumer functional interface as an
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