Java Reference
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"(?!')" indicates that the rest of the regular expression should ignore apostro-
phes (such as in a contraction, like "you'll" ) and " \\p{P}" matches any punc-
tuation character. For any match, the call to replaceAll removes the
punctuation by replacing it with an empty String . The result of line 21 is an in-
termediate Stream<String> containing the lines without punctuation.
• i e 2 s s Stream method flatMap to break each line of text into its separate
words. Method flatMap receives a Function that maps an object into a stream of
elements. In this case, the object is a String containing words and the result is
another intermediate Stream<String> for the individual words. The lambda in
line 22 passes the String representing a line of text to Pattern method split-
AsStream (new in Java SE 8), which uses the regular expression specified in the
Pattern (line 16) to tokenize the String into its individual words.
Lines 23-24 use Stream method collect to count the frequency of each word
and place the words and their counts into the TreeMap<String, Long> . Here, we
use a version of Collectors method groupingBy that receives three arguments—
a classifier, a Map factory and a downstream Collector . The classifier is a Func-
tion that returns objects for use as keys in the resulting Map —the method refer-
ence String::toLowerCase converts each word in the Stream<String> to
lowercase. The Map factory is an object that implements interface Supplier and
returns a new Map collection—the constructor reference TreeMap::new returns a
TreeMap that maintains its keys in sorted order. Collectors.counting() is the
downstream Collector that determines the number of occurrences of each key
in the stream.
Displaying the Summary Grouped by Starting Letter
Next, lines 27-37 group the key-value pairs in the Map wordCounts by the keys' first letter.
This produces a new Map in which each key is a Character and the corresponding value is
a List of the key-value pairs in wordCounts in which the key starts with the Character .
The statement performs the following tasks:
First we need to get a Stream for processing the key-value pairs in wordCounts .
Interface Map does not contain any methods that return Stream s. So, line 27 calls
Map method entrySet on wordCounts to get a Set of Map.Entry objects that each
contain one key-value pair from wordCounts . This produces an object of type
Set<Map.Entry<String, Long>> .
Line 28 calls Set method stream to get a Stream<Map.Entry<String, Long>> .
Lines 29-31 call Stream method collect with three arguments—a classifier, a
Map factory and a downstream Collector . The classifier Function in this case
gets the key from the Map.Entry then uses String method charAt to get the key's
first character—this becomes a Character key in the resulting Map . Once again,
we use the constructor reference TreeMap::new as the Map factory to create a
TreeMap that maintains its keys in sorted order. The downstream Collector
( Collectors.toList() ) places the Map.Entry objects into a List collection. The
result of collect is a Map<Character, List<Map.Entry<String, Long>>> .
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