Java Reference
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Employees by department:
Matthew Indigo 3587.50 Sales
Jason Blue 3200.00 Sales
Jason Red 5000.00 IT
Ashley Green 7600.00 IT
Luke Indigo 6200.00 IT
James Indigo 4700.77 Marketing
Wendy Brown 4236.40 Marketing
Fig. 17.14 | Grouping Employee s by department. (Part 2 of 2.)
17.6.6 Counting the Number of Employee s in Each Department
Figure 17.15 once again demonstrates Stream method collect and Collectors static
method groupingBy , but in this case we count the number of Employee s in each depart-
ment. Lines 107-110 produce a Map<String, Long> in which each String key is a depart-
ment name and the corresponding Long value is the number of Employee s in that
department. In this case, we use a version of Collectors static method groupingBy that
receives two arguments—the first is a Function that classifies the objects in the stream and
the second is another Collector (known as the downstream Collector ). In this case, we
use a call to Collectors static method counting as the second argument. This method
returns a Collector that counts the number of objects in a given classification, rather than
collecting them into a List . Lines 111-113 then output the key-value pairs from the re-
sulting Map<String, Long> .
105 // count number of Employees in each department
106 System.out.printf( "%nCount of Employees by department:%n" );
111 employeeCountByDepartment.forEach(
112 (department, count) -> System.out.printf(
113 "%s has %d employee(s)%n" , department, count));
Map<String, Long> employeeCountByDepartment =
Count of Employees by department:
IT has 3 employee(s)
Marketing has 2 employee(s)
Sales has 2 employee(s)
Fig. 17.15 | Counting the number of Employee s in each department.
17.6.7 Summing and Averaging Employee Salaries
Figure 17.16 demonstrates Stream method mapToDouble (lines 119, 126 and 132), which
maps objects to double values and returns a DoubleStream . In this case, we map Employee
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