Java Reference
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Original strings: [Red, orange, Yellow, green, Blue, indigo, Violet]
strings in uppercase: [RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET]
strings greater than m sorted ascending: [orange, Red, Violet, Yellow]
strings greater than m sorted descending: [Yellow, Violet, Red, orange]
Fig. 17.7 | Demonstrating lambdas and streams with an array of String s. (Part 2 of 2.)
17.5.1 Mapping String s to Uppercase Using a Method Reference
Lines 18-21 display the String s in uppercase letters. To do so, line 19 creates a
Stream<String> from the array strings , then line 20 calls Stream method map to map
each String to its uppercase version by calling String instance method toUpperCase .
String::toUpperCase is known as a method reference and is a shorthand notation for a
lambda expression—in this case, for a lambda expression like:
(String s) -> { return s.toUpperCase();}
s -> s.toUpperCase()
String::toUpperCase is a method reference for String instance method toUpperCase .
Figure 17.8 shows the four method reference types.
Method reference for an instance method of a class. Creates a one-
parameter lambda that invokes the instance method on the lambda's
argument and returns the method's result. Used in Fig. 17.7.
Method reference for an instance method that should be called on a spe-
cific object. Creates a one-parameter lambda that invokes the instance
method on the specified object—passing the lambda's argument to the
instance method—and returns the method's result. Used in Fig. 17.10.
Method reference for a static method of a class. Creates a one-parame-
ter lambda in which the lambda's argument is passed to the specified a
static method and the lambda returns the method's result.
Constructor reference. Creates a lambda that invokes the no-argument
constructor of the specified class to create and initialize a new object of
that class. Used in Fig. 17.17.
Fig. 17.8 | Types of method references.
Stream method map receives as an argument an object that implements the functional
interface Function —the instance method reference String::toUpperCase is treated as a
lambda that implements interface Function . This interface's apply method receives one
parameter and returns a result—in this case, method apply receives a String and returns
the uppercase version of the String . Line 21 collects the results into a List<String> that
we output as a String .
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